How to Properly Install Your Jump Yeti: Tips and Guidelines
When buying a trampoline, you probably imagine an assembled trampoline, not a box of parts. While a trampoline might seem simple to assemble, you want to ensure it is assembled properly. This will ensure that the trampoline is safe to use and will have a long lifespan. Here are some tips to help you with your Jump Yeti installations.
Installation Tips forJump Yeti
When you buy a trampoline, you might not have thought about how you will assemble it. When it arrives, you will want several pairs of hands to help you assemble it. While the Jump Yeti trampoline is designed to be easy to assemble, more hands are also better than putting it together yourself.
Another thing to consider is whether you will have access to Jump Yeti trampoline installers. Depending on where you buy your trampoline, they may offer Jump Yeti installations as part of your purchase. These installers would make installation much easier, but not everyone can access them. For those who don't know, here is how to assemble your own Jump Yeti trampoline.
How to Assemble the Jump Yeti Frame
To begin assembly of your Jump Yeti trampoline, you should sort the pieces into separate piles. There may be a slight difference depending on which Jump Yeti trampoline you purchased. You will want to separate the trampoline legs and the frame from the rest of the pieces. Separating the pieces lets you quickly check that you have the correct number of leg and frame pieces.
If you bought the 12-foot or the 14-foot trampoline, you should have 4 frame pieces and 4 legs. The frame pieces will be extended in half circles, and the legs will be U-shaped poles. If, instead, you have purchased the 15-foot trampoline, you will have a total of five frame pieces and five legs.
To begin any Jump Yeti trampoline installations you should start with one of the frame pieces making up the trampoline frame. It should have two nubs sticking out from below the frame. Take 2 of the trampoline legs. Insert one end of the leg around the nub. Repeat with the other leg. Each leg should now have an open end extending past the edge of their respective frame pieces.
Take another frame piece and insert its nub into the empty end on one of the legs. Push the two ends of the frame pieces together. Repeat on the other end. Take a leg and insert one end into the available nub below the frame. The open end of the leg should extend past the frame piece like before. Repeat on the other side.
Take the final piece of frame and place the final leg underneath it. Attach the final frame piece to the remaining frame pieces on either side. Once connected, the frame piece should form a complete circle. If you have trouble aligning the final frame piece, go to each frame connection and jostle them a little to give yourself more wiggle room. Your trampoline frame is now complete.
How to Add the Springs and Jump Mat
The springs can now be added. How the springs are attached will determine how easy it is to install your trampoline mat. Here are some installation tips for Jump Yeti's springs and jump mat. To add the mat as easily as possible, you should add the springs in this manner. Pick a spot and hook a spring to the frame. Count 10 holes in either direction from that spot and add a spring there. You should then continue this pattern by counting 10 holes and adding a spring until you return to your original hole.
Place the jump mat in the center of the trampoline frame. Starting from your first spring, hook the mat and the frame together. Walk in a circle and repeat with each of the springs you have placed. Once you have completed a full lap, attach springs to every five spots in the available holes.
This will ensure the jump mat is not stretched too far to one side at a time. If you were to attach only one side of the mat, you would need to pull the mat to the other side of the frame in order to secure it properly. Doing this would be more complicated and increase the risk of injury if you lose control of one of the large springs.
Once complete, repeat the pattern but add a spring every 3 spots, then 2, and finally fill in any remaining spots. Your jump mat and each spring should be properly attached now.
When Should You Add Safety Features to your Jump Yeti
Once the trampoline frame and springs are all attached, you can install any desired accessories. For example, you can add the safety net. The net will come with additional poles, which will attach to the frame around the mat. By doing this, you can ensure the net will wrap around the entire trampoline. They will attach atop the frame, and the net can be hung between the poles.
Once the springs are in place, a safety pad can be placed over them and tied into place to prevent them from coming loose. Feel free to add any safety features you would like to your Jump Yeti trampoline now.