Jump Yeti Trampoline Safety

Essential Jump Yeti Trampoline Safety Tips

When buying a trampoline, you might be concerned about their safety or whether you should let your kids have one. Here at JumpYeti, we love to provide our trampolines for families to enjoy. To ease your mind, here are some essential trampoline safety tips to help you get started.

Top Safety Accessories for Your Jump Yeti

One of the best things you can do to make your JumpYeti trampoline safer is to invest in some safety accessories. Here are some of the top safety accessories you should consider for your next trampoline purchase.

Nets and Pads

A safety net lining the edges of your trampoline can help prevent serious injuries. The net should be at least 7 feet tall to keep even high-flying jumpers safe. Every JumpYeti trampoline comes with a safety net.

You may also want to consider buying pads to cover the springs or the trampoline’s frame. A simple pad can cushion a collision, sparing your family from a serious injury.

Trampoline Anchors

Trampoline Anchors are an easy way to secure your family’s trampoline. They are small tools that can be placed over the legs of the trampoline to secure them to the ground. Once secure, they can hold the trampoline in place even when there are gusts of wind or strong weather. 

They only cost about a hundred dollars and are easy to install. Trampoline anchors are an excellent safety accessory to keep your trampoline from shifting or tipping over. 

Is a Safety Net a Must for Your Trampoline?

You might wonder if you need a safety net, especially if you have an in-ground trampoline. After all, you are at ground level, how dangerous could it be? The best way to think about this is to ask yourself if you would rather fall on the trampoline or onto the ground. 

A safety net is easy to install, can save your family from serious injuries, and is included in every JumpYeti trampoline.

How to Prevent Injuries on Your Jump Yeti

One of the best ways to prevent injuries while using a JumpYeti trampoline is to keep your family’s safety as the top concern. A good guideline is to only use your trampoline for things it is designed to do.

For example, avoid having too many people on the trampoline at the same time. Jumping in a crowd increases the chances of colliding or landing on another person on the trampoline, an easy way to cause injuries.

Also, pay attention to the types of tricks that you do. Talk to your kids kids and their friends and encourage them to avoid doing risky flips and somersault tricks. If these tricks are not performed correctly, there is a high chance you will sustain injuries to your head or neck when landing midflip. While it’s impossible to prevent injuries completely, you can avoid potentially life-changing injuries by only performing simple jumps and tricks. 

Jump Yeti Trampoline Safety Tips for Kids

While some general safety rules can make jumping on the trampoline safer, parents should not be afraid to set additional rules for their children. While your kids may be excited about jumping on a new trampoline, there needs to be a conversation between you and them before they use the family trampoline. Here are some helpful safety tips and rules to keep your kids injury-free.

No Flying Solo

The first rule that you should set with your children is that they should never jump on a trampoline by themselves. Ideally, an adult should supervise the kids while they are on the trampoline. This is especially important for families with young children. Studies have shown that over 90 percent of injuries from trampolines come from those between the ages of 5 and 14.

Parents should also not be tempted to let the kids subversive themselves either. While it might be easier for you as a parent, leaving this supervision up to someone else, even your teenage child, is not the safest option. It may be even more dangerous. Those same studies that found that young children were the most likely to be injured on a trampoline also found that two-thirds of these injuries occur in situations where multiple children were jumping at once.

Have an Injury Plan

When your family first buys a trampoline like the Jump Yeti trampolines, sit your kids down and devise an injury plan with them. Let them know that you are always available and that you won’t be mad if they come to you with their concerns. 

Consider setting times when you can spend time in the backyard as a family, even if not all of you are using the trampoline. By having an adult present, there is less likely to be bad behavior that leads to injury. By having an adult present, you can also ensure that the injured child receives treatment quickly.

Childproof Your JumpYeti

There are specific injury risks unique to younger children. As a parent, you can limit these risks by doing your best to childproof your trampoline. For trampolines with ladders, consider removing the ladder when you are not around to prevent a wandering child from finding their way onto the trampoline. Safety pads for the poles and springs can help prevent bruised knees, banged elbows, or pinched fingers.

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