JumpYeti Above Ground Trampoline

5 Reasons You Need a Round JumpYeti Above Ground Trampoline

When you are in the market for a new trampoline it might be easy to choose the first one that you see or the cheapest one you can find. Instead of doing this, we would like to offer you 5 reasons why you should choose a round JumpYeti above-ground trampoline as your family's next trampoline.

1: Price of Trampolines

One of the best features of the round JumpYeti above-ground trampolines for sale is their price tag. You may have looked at different trampoline models in the past and been scared off by the price tag. Many trampoline model's prices start at over $1000 and only climb higher from there.

The JumpYeti trampolines on the other hand do not suffer from bloated price tags. The most expensive model, their 15-footers, only cost around $700. This means that instead of worrying about how you could possibly afford a new trampoline, you can instead think about which backflip trick you want to try out first. 

2: Above Ground Trampolines

One of the main things that you have to consider when buying a new trampoline is whether you want to invest in an above-ground trampoline or an in-ground trampoline. While this might seem like a small difference, it can make a huge difference in how your trampoline choices turn out.

If you end up choosing an in-ground trampoline it will require you to dig a hole large enough to house the trampoline. The size of this hole will depend on the size of the trampoline model you choose. For larger trampoline models you will need to dig a larger and deeper hole to ensure that the trampoline is installed securely. 

Depending on the dimensions of the in-ground trampoline and the conditions in the ground where you will be digging you could be looking at anywhere from an additional couple hundred dollars to a couple thousand dollars on top of the trampoline’s price tag. All of this will need to be done prior to your trampoline being installed, and will likely require professional help and construction tools.

However, when you choose a round JumpYeti above-ground trampoline you do not have to worry about any of these issues. Round in-ground trampolines in particular can be a headache since they often require an expensive retaining wall lining the edges of the hole. 

With an above-ground trampoline, you only need a flat open space that is wide enough to fit your trampoline. This makes it quicker, cheaper, and easier to install. Since the frame will hold the trampoline above the ground you do not need to spend the additional time and money figuring out where and how to dig a hole. Instead, your money could go towards a nicer trampoline model or accessories to take your jump sessions to the next level.

3: Safety Features

Another reason that you should choose one of JumpYeti’s round trampolines is the safety features that come standard with every model. When you see a trampoline that is in the JumpYeti’s price range you might expect it to be a barebones trampoline with minimal safety features.

JumpYeti seeks to buck that trend with its above-ground trampolines. Every one of their models, from the smallest to the largest comes with a safety net large enough to cover all the trampoline's edges. This ensures that no matter how crazy your jump parties get, there is no chance of your family members or friends jumping off the trampoline and getting a nice hard hug from the ground.

Every one of JumpYeti’s trampolines also comes with a pad made to cover the springs while the trampoline is in use. Everyone who has used a trampoline has had the fear that they might get a finger or toe trapped by one of the springs. These safety pads ensure that no one, not even the nosiest of kids will get hurt by the trampoline springs.

4: Ease of Assembly

JumpYeti’s trampolines are meant to be easy to install, whether you are a long-time trampoline user or a first-time buyer. This easy installation starts with their above-ground design that can be placed anywhere that is flat and has enough open space for the trampoline frame. 

The installation also is helped by JumpYeti’s easy-to-assemble trampoline designs. These designs are made to be quick and easy to put together after all, you bought a trampoline to use it, not to look at a pile of parts.

Past users report that JumpYeti’s trampolines are extremely easy to assemble. They do not require specific tools to put together, and many claim that they and their children were able to get the trampoline up and running quickly and without any headaches. 

5: Free Shipping

The final reason that you should consider buying a JumpYeti above-ground trampoline is their offer of free shipping. Everyone has had the experience of finding the perfect item only to find out that shipping costs will add dozens of dollars onto the final cost. With JumpYeti you don’t have to worry about this since they offer free shipping to anywhere in the lower 48 states. 

With these 5 reasons in mind, remember to add a JumpYeti trampoline to your shortlist when you are next in the market for a new trampoline.

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